Rudresh Dahiya

Data Overwhelming in the Indian Social Sector – Part II – Data Journey

This is the second part of the blog series on “Data Overwhelming in the Indian Social Sector”. In the last blog, we discussed if there is enough data and discussed the prominent entities in India capturing different data sets. In this blog, we dwell on issues and challenges with the current data sets available and …

Data Overwhelming in the Indian Social Sector – Part II – Data Journey Read More »

Data Overwhelming in the Indian Social Sector – Part I – Data Sources

As Indian development sector professionals, when we wish to approach a problem statement, often the first question we ask ourselves is whether there is any data on this and if yes, where? This post is for anyone who belongs to the Indian development space, believes in a fact-based approach and wants to find the right …

Data Overwhelming in the Indian Social Sector – Part I – Data Sources Read More »


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